FINAL DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT – the uThongathi Estuary Management Plan, KwaZulu-Natal

Prioritisation of the uThongathi Estuary (North of Durban, KZN) in terms of the National Water Act (NWA, Act 36 of 1998) and the National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act (ICMA, Act 24 of 2008) through the development of an Estuary Management Plan (EMP).

To all Stakeholders – From Safiyya Sedick (Phone: +27 21 701 3420.  Email:

This serves as notification that the final draft of the Situation Assessment Report (SAR) for the uThongathi Estuary is now available for comment.

In accordance with the National Estuarine Management Protocol and in terms of section 53 of the National Environmental Management Act: Integrated Coastal Management Act (Act No. 24 of 2008), all Interested and Affected party’s (I&AP’s) are invited to provide comment on the final draft of the SAR and must be done within 30 calendar days of this notice.

The commenting period will therefore commence on 23rd January and end on 22nd February 2021 by close of business.

A copy of the final draft of the SAR can be downloaded here:

Please do not hesitate to contact Safiyya should you wish to provide comment, have any questions with regards to the Estuary Management Plan, stakeholder consultation process or should you wish to be registered as an I&AP.

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