Primary Function

Important aspects of a councillor are that of a representative of the community and a requirement is to improve the lives of all in the municipality. As such effective representation requires the councillor to know his/her ward and the people who live in the ward.

Councillors need to have an understanding of council procedures and processes.This requires a working knowledge of key responsibilities of a councillor and understanding of the principles that will affect their actions as a councillors. To achieve these a councillor is expected to evaluate the policies and programmes of the council together with the needs of the community.

Councillors are bound by a Code of Conduct as set in schedule 5 of the Municipal Structures Act 1998 requiring that they perform their functions of office in good faith, honesty and in a transparent manner maintain a good record of attendance at council and ward committee meetings, public meetings. A councillor is therefore subject to the laws that govern all other public officers, as the Act defines the municipality as a public office.

The role of the Councillor:

Municipal work is essentially a public activity. Communication is based on a communication strategy to be familiar with the communication strategy of the council, direct communication and an exchange a needs views and key decisions of the council.

Key Notes

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